Ivel Valley

Travelling to Ivel Valley School


Sustainable travel options

Ivel Valley School is keen to promote sustainable methods of travel and we want to encourage everyone to think about whether they need to use their car or whether they could use a method of travel that is better for the environment, better for their health and could save them money.

We have produced a leaflet that provides information about the different options and a Travel Plan that addresses the issues associated with the transportation of pupils, staff and other visitors to and from the two main sites of the school. Our aim is to reduce private car use and congestion whilst improving safety, health and fitness.

The objectives of the plan are:

·         A reduction in the number of parents and staff who drive to school or between school sites and increase the number that travel by a sustainable means of transport by addressing issues that may discourage staff, pupils or parents from walking, sharing or using public transport to school;

·         To ensure everyone on or around the site is safe when there moving vehicles on site; and

·         To minimise the impact on local residents and those using nearby roads.

Central Bedfordshire Council has an excellent website called CB Travel Choices that has useful information about all travel options around Biggleswade and the surrounding area.

On the move!
Travelling by bus and train

Both the College and School sites are very near bus stops with buses that go to and from the town centre (bus routes 85, 85A, 190, I1B for the school site). For all the local bus routes around Biggleswade please click here

The College site is very close to Biggleswade Rail Station with trains to and from towns and villages like Stevenage, Hitchin, Sandy and Arlesey.


Please click here for lots of information about cycling in Central Bedfordshire. Click here for a useful map of cycle routes that go right past both the College and School sites. We have a bike shelter to store bikes and scooters.

Council Transport

Most pupils travel to school on transport provided by their local authority. If you have any queries or complaints about this service please contact the relevant transport team.




Have you thought about a car share scheme? Central Beds and Luton Liftshare provides a matching service for all those who live, work or travel in and around Bedfordshire. This site matches you up with potential partners as a driver or passenger and once matched, you can choose to car share as little or often as you like, with whomever you like!

If you have to drive to the school please be very careful when on the school site:

  • Do not exceed 5mph
  • Turn off your engine when stopped
  • If you are blocking another vehicle you must report to the office

Image result for 5mph sign

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