Ivel Valley

The MOVE Programme

We use the MOVE Programme as a specialist whole school and college approach to support the physical development of pupils who haven’t yet learnt to sit, stand or walk independently.

More information about the MOVE Programme

     In April 2024 Ivel Valley were awarded the MOVE Gold Quality Mark.

The MOVE Programme forms part of the Physical Development strand of our curriculum and is implemented in collaboration with pupils, families, classroom staff and our NHS therapy professionals.

We aim to teach sitting, standing and walking skills by providing pupils with individualised opportunities to make progress towards functional movement goals. These goals are meaningful to them and useful in their everyday life.

Individual movement goals are integrated into Personal Learning Plans and our trained MOVE Practitioners support all staff to ensure they are fully integrated into the pupils daily routine.

We have high expectations for all our pupils in developing, maintaining and using their physical skills to the highest functional level possible.



Sophie’s Story

MOVE Policy & Strategy 

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