Ivel Valley

Special School Outreach Service

Ivel Valley Outreach Team

L-R – Claire W, Judith A and Pam A

What is the Special School Outreach Service?

  • We work collaboratively with mainstream schools and alternative resource provisions in Central Bedfordshire to build capacity and confidence in meeting the needs of a wider range of children and young people with SEND. This includes pupils/students with challenges in cognition and learning, pupils/students with ASD and those with similar needs who are undiagnosed at the time of referral. 
  • We aim to support schools in meeting the needs of children/young people in Year 1 to Year 11 with more complex educational needs who require support beyond the Universal level. 
  • We will also work with pupils in Reception who have an EHCP.
  • Support may include observation of the child/young person, meeting with the child/young person, meetings with SENDCo/teaching staff, meeting with family and written recommendations/advice.
  • The north of the locality is covered by the Ivel Valley outreach team; the south of the locality is covered by the Chiltern outreach team.

How do schools refer?

  • The school needs to provide evidence of at least two cycles of the Assess/Plan/Do/Review process, examples of documents for this purpose are a SEND Support Plan, an Individual Education Plan (IEP), Provision Map or equivalent. 
  • The schools submit their referrals via the Central Bedfordshire Single Referral Form: https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/xfp/form/282 

All referrals to Special School Outreach are now made by the Central Bedfordshire Single Referral Form on the Central Bedfordshire website

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