Ivel Valley

Health & Therapeutic

Here at Ivel Valley, the health and well-being of our learners is the utmost priority. We work closely with a range of professionals to provide the care needed to help your child develop and thrive.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of some of relevant teams that we work with:


The special school nursing team work in partnership with families and other professionals to enable children and young people to access the curriculum. Their support includes, but is not limited to: care planning, training, coordinating clinics, promoting good health and offering family support.

Families can contact them on 01234 846155 or ccs.beds.childrens.specialschools@nhs.net.

You can find out more here: https://www.cambscommunityservices.nhs.uk/Bedfordshire/services/nursing/children’s-special-needs-school-nursing-service 


The community paediatrician uses an office on the school site to carry out a number of their medical reviews. If families need support to access the paediatrician, they can contact the school nursing team on the details above.


Families can opt for their child to be seen by Community Dental Services, who bring their van to the school site to carry out appointments. You can find out more here: https://www.communitydentalservices.co.uk/ 


Children’s (paediatric) physiotherapy is a qualified team providing specialist services to children and young people aged 0-19 to promote health and wellbeing. The physios put programs together to allow that child or young person to achieve the best function possible. Pupils are normally referred to the physiotherapists by the community paediatrician, their GP or the nursing team. You can find out more here: https://www.bedfordshirehospitals.nhs.uk/our-services/occupational-therapy-and-physiotherapy/physiotherapy-bedford-hospital/paediatric-physiotherapy/ 


The Paediatric Occupational Therapist (OT) service support children and young people to engage and participate as fully as possible in childhood occupations (activities) such as: play; eating; self-care e.g. washing, cleaning your teeth, toileting; dressing; school and life skills e.g. writing and alternatives to recording information and using scissors; managing at school e.g. getting around the class / school, supportive seating, specialist toilet seats; and hobbies and leisure activities. You can find out more here: https://www.cambscommunityservices.nhs.uk/Bedfordshire/services/occupational-therapy 


We work with NHS Speech & Language Therapists (SaLTs), who assess children’s needs and then support staff to implement appropriate communication strategies, which might include training, advice or direct work. We also work with an independent SaLT who delivers support packages for pupils from other local authorities. You can find out more about the NHS SaLT service here: https://childspeechbedfordshire.nhs.uk/ 


We work with Music Therapy Bedfordshire (MTB) to provide music therapy input for a small number of pupils. This specialist resource is limited, and decisions about the allocation of music therapy support are made jointly by the school and MTB. You can find out more here: https://www.musictherapybedfordshire.co.uk/ 


Teachers from both the Hearing and Vision Impairment Services work closely with Ivel Valley staff to provide advice, assessments and support for pupils with hearing and visual impairments. 

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