Online Safety

We recognise that online safety now plays a significant role in a huge number of safeguarding concerns. We are proactive in teaching online safety to our pupils in ways that are relevant and meaningful to them.
We have a team of staff who work together to ensure that all aspects of online safety are considered and covered at Ivel Valley.
For all our safeguarding policies, including Online Safety, please go to our Policies Page.
Here are some useful websites for families who would like some more guidance: – this site has resources about how to set up different devices safely – this is where you can report concerns or harmful content – Internet Matters has expert advice on all areas of online safety, including some SEND-specific guidance. Just type SEND in their search box. – this is run by CEOP and has helpful advice on preventative measures, or handling a concern. They have some fun and interactive internet safety games too. – Childnet has lots of online safety guides for parents and carers. – this website is specifically around preventing sexual abuse and exploitation, with lots of focus on internet safety. – Google’s Family Safety Centre helps you to set boundaries and use technology safely. – Own It! is a fun website for children to use and has lots of parent-specific guidance videos. – you can use the IWF to report any content concerns connected to child sexual abuse